
Kaluna Astraea.
6 min readOct 14, 2024


Hello, baby! Good morning.

Firstly, I want you to know, sayang, titik kebahagiaan aku itu sebenarnya simple bangeeeet, cuma liat kamu bahagia by myside.. Setiap kali aku liat kamu smiling, rasanya everything in this world is getting better. There’s this warmth in my heart just knowing that you’re mine, and I can’t express enough how much that means to me. Aku bener-bener bersyukur punya kamu disini. Kamu bukan cuma pacar buat aku, tapi juga orang yang makes my days full with so much color.

I love the way you make me feel so special, and that’s why aku pengen banget bisa bikin kamu ngerasain hal yang sama. I’m so happy knowing that you’re mine, and honestly, I feel like the luckiest person in the world. Your happiness is my top priority, dan aku pengen selalu ada buat kamu, to loving you, to appreciate you, and made you feel happy everyday!

I know life isn’t always perfect, and we may have our ups and downs, tapi satu hal yang gaakan pernah berubah adalah kemauan aku buat selalu bikin kamu ngerasa dicintai dan dihargai. I’ll always be here for you, supporting you and doing my best to keep that smile on your face. Being with you is my greatest joy, and I just want to keep building our happiness together, day by day! 💗

Also, I want to be honest with you about how I’ve been feeling lately. I know that over the past few days, I haven’t been at my best. I’ve been feeling off ‘cause I’m dealing with PMS, and I realize that I’ve probably been a little more irritable and emotional than usual. I’m really sorry if I’ve been difficult to be around or if I’ve said or done things that have upset you. That was never my intention, and I hope you can understand that sometimes it’s just hard for me to control how I feel during times like this.

I also feel really sad whenever there’s a misunderstanding between us. I love you so much, and it hurts me to think that I’m the reason you’re upset. I truly hope that we can work through this and get back to being happy together. Your happiness means the world to me, and I want us to continue building something strong together. I promise I’ll do my best to communicate better and be more mindful of how I express myself.

Please know how much your presence brings joy and fulfillment into my life. Every moment we spend together, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to have you. The way you protect me, how you always show understanding, and how you stand by my side no matter what – those are the things that make me realize how special our relationship is. It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of. I often think about how much you’ve changed my world for the better, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

Honestly, when I look back at the times I spent alone before we met, I realize it was all worth it. I don’t regret any of it, because in the end, I got you. You’re the man I’ve always hoped for. You give me the kind of love that makes me feel safe, cherished, and so incredibly happy.

One of the things I adore about you is how you sometimes show your jealousy. I know it’s not always easy to express, but to me, it shows how much you care about me, and it makes me feel really special. It’s like a little reminder that I truly mean the world to you, and that feeling is irreplaceable. I know your love for me is real, and it makes me fall even more in love with you.

And you know what else I love about you? It’s how you carry yourself around other people, especially your friends. I often watch the way you interact with them, and it fills me with so much pride. You’re always there for them, you’re reliable, and you communicate with them so effortlessly. It’s clear that they respect you deeply, and that makes me admire you even more. It makes me proud to know that I’m with someone who is not only a wonderful partner to me but also a great friend to those around him.

Having you in my life is truly a blessing. You’re the man I’m proud to call mine, and I feel lucky every single day to have you by my side. I love being able to share my life with you, and I want you to know how much I appreciate every little thing you do. I’m so proud of the man you are, and I can’t wait to see where our journey together takes us.

Sayang, ada sesuatu yang aku pengen share sama kamu. Sebenarnya aku gaa pernah ngerasa kaya gini ini sebelumnya, apalagi sampe sering ngirim long text sebanyak ini. Kadang aku ngerasa sedikit ragu, karena aku ga terbiasa telling someone about my feeling lewat long texts sesering ini. Kemarin, aku sempet merasa sedikit upset karena ada yang bikin khawatir, ragu kalau semua surat atau teks panjang yang aku kirim ke kamu bikin kamu merasa bosen atau overwhelmed.

Aku tau kamu selalu bikin jokes dan aku bener-bener gaa mempermasalahkan itu. Malah, aku suka banget cara kamu bikin hubungan kita jadi lebih seru dan ga kaku. You always know how to make things light and fun, and that’s one of the things I really appreciate about you. Tapi di sisi lain, aku cuma sedikit khawatir kalau mungkin long texts dari aku yang selama ini aku kirim bisa bikin kamu merasa bosen, atau ada pikiran-pikiran negatif yang mungkin muncul di kepala kamu. Aku gaa pengen hal itu terjadi, karena tujuan aku cuma pengen menunjukkan seberapa besar I appreciate you and loves you.

Aku harap kamu gabakal merasa keganggu atau bosen dengan cara aku showing you my love lewat tulisan. It’s just my way of expressing how much I care about you, karena aku pengen kamu tau how much you mean to me. Kadang aku ngerasa cemas, apa aku terlalu banyak ngomong atau terlalu sering ngirim long text, tapi aku harap kamu masih bisa menikmatinya kaya aku menikmati setiap momen nulis ini buat kamu.

I want you to know that even though I’m not always great with words, every message I send comes from my heart. I just love the idea of you reading them and understanding how much you mean to me. So please, jangan pernah merasa tertekan atau merasa harus merespon dengan cara yang sama, aku cuman pengen kamu tau seberapa besar pengaruh kamu on mylife and how much I cherish every moment we spend together.

Lastly, I want to saying how deeply sorry I am for what happened last night. I realize now that my actions hurt you, and that was never my intention. I truly value everything you do, and I understand that your efforts come from a place of love and care.

I also understand how much pride you take in everything you do, and I never want to make you feel like your efforts aren’t appreciated or respected. I respect you so much, not only as my partner but as the incredible person you are. I want you to know that I see your value, your strength, and your dedication, and I’m so sorry if my actions made you feel otherwise.

Your feelings are valid, and I will do my best to communicate better and show you the appreciation you deserve. Please know that I am committed to working through this and making sure we grow stronger together.

Thank you for being patient with me. I love you, Leonie! 💗🤍

With love, Your Kaluna and Karina to your JenRina.



Kaluna Astraea.
Kaluna Astraea.

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